Sunday, August 12, 2007
wats ur name alphbets means?!? play it...
A- Damn good in bedB-You are always fun when it comes to meeting new people.C- You wild and crazyD- Damn good in bed.E-You're Super cool.F-People totally adore youG-Love is something you deeply believe in.H-You have very good personality and looks.I-You have a nice ass ;-)J-Everyone loves you.K- You like to try new thingsL-You are so damn sexyM-success comes easily to you.N-You have a BIG warm HeartO-You love foreplayP-You are popular with all types of people.Q-You are a hypocrite.R- Your very talkativeS-People think you are so sexyT-You are the best in bed.U-You are really chill.V-You are not judge mental.W-You are very broad minded.X- You never let ppl tell u wat to doY-One of the hardest gangsters/rockers aliveZ- your lovable
╔當我遇上你╝.╔我的心只能容納你╝.╔第一次╝有╔心上人╝.╔無論如何╝.╔我知道╝我╔就是喜歡你╝........╔如果只得一星期╝.我會╔抱緊你╝╔說一千句我愛你╝.如果╔有人╝╔喜歡你╝.我會和他╔賭愛╝.令他成為我的╔手下敗將╝.我一定要他╔非走不可╝.╔我是真的真的很愛你╝.╔你是我的ufo╝.我只想╔安靜╝地╔簡單愛╝著你.╔我知道╝╔我不是一百分╝.但也請你給我╔抱一抱╝.就算你是╔負心人╝.我也╔心甘情願╝╔一生一世只愛你一人╝.因為╔戀愛大過天╝.......在這個╔情人節╝.我╔期待╝能和你╔牽手╝看╔流星雨╝.然後許下╔一千零一個願望╝.像╔少女的祈禱╝.╔真心真意╝說聲╔真的愛你╝.........在我的心中.你是╔獨一無二╝的╔情人╝.也是╔從頭到尾╝╔唯一╝的一個.╔沒有人╝能╔替代╝你.╔i believe╝你不會╔捨棄╝我.因為你不像那些╔臭男人╝一樣╔見異思遷╝......╔說真的╝我對你已╔神魂顛倒╝.╔只要為你活一天╝.就算死我也╔願意╝╔走到底╝.╔愛上你╝╔我願意╝不要╔自由╝.只因╔這分鐘更愛你╝...........但我╔意想不到╝.我竟╔估計錯誤╝,原來我╔愛上殺手╝了.就連我的心你也╔未簽收╝.你說完╔分手吧╝就╔掛線╝了.你的說話╔無形╝地刺得我好╔心痛╝.為什麼╔分手總要在雨天╝?明知╔你有心╝玩弄我.我卻還╔犯賤╝地╔痛愛╝著你.難怪我是╔失戀王╝.╔我愛的人╝.我沒╔勇氣╝對你說╔愛我別走╝.我╔怯╝著╔認輸╝了.╔早知╝我不╔玩得╝.就應該╔爭氣╝.把這些都變成╔秘密╝.然後╔自己保重╝.吸著╔臭草╝.吐著╔煙圈╝.看著╔給自己的情書╝.唱著╔一個人的情歌╝.我╔喊濕枕頭╝.我╔不需要安慰╝.╔只想一個人╝╔冥想╝.很想╔回到過去╝.像╔揮著翅膀的女孩╝和你╔抱抱╝.就算╔愈吻愈傷心╝.我也不會╔後悔╝.但奈何我這麼╔命苦╝.╔總得不到╝╔forever love╝.卻╔永遠╝只能╔眼紅紅╝.我告訴自己╔不要說謊╝.我真的╔心淡╝了.為何我不懂一早╔離開╝你?就這樣╔一了百了╝.無論╔從前,以後╝,╔秋天冬天╝.╔謝謝╝你給我上了╔最後一課╝.最後╔有話對你說╝.╔原來你什麼都不要╝........
ride motor without licence
although i don't have motor's licence, but i still can ride dis big big motor.. haha... wana try it?!?
stone bun
stone bun... dis is the bun i ate in 1 hotel.... its wrote assorted bun... but the name "stone bun" i gave is cause is very hard for me to eat... haiz...
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Malaysia English VS Britain English
m'sian english vs. brit. englishMalaysia english mou tak teng man....!!!!!!!learn la veli usefull one kekekekekeMalaysia English vs Britian English ... Who saysour English is teruk. Just see below - Ours issimple,short,concise, straight-to-point,effective etc. The English did invent theEnglish Language, but they cannot use iteconomically when communicating theirintentions. Compare these phrases thatMalaysians and Britons use to say the samething: So, why make things so confusing andwaste of money when you are and a long distancecall.WHEN GIVING A CUSTOMER BAD NEWSBritons: I'm sorry, Sir, but we don't seem tohave the sweater you want in your size, but ifyou give me a moment, I can call the otheroutlets for you.Malaysians: No Stock.RETURNING A CALLBritons: Hello, this is John Smith. Did anyonepage for me a few moments ago?Malaysians: Hallo, who page?ASKING SOMEONE TO MAKE WAY.Britons: Excuse me, I'd like to get by. Wouldyou please make way?Malaysians: S-kew meWHEN SOMEONE OFFERS TO PAYBritons: Hey, put your wallet away, this drinkis on me.Malaysians:No-need, lah.WHEN ASKING FOR PERMISSIONBritons: Excuse me, but do you think it would bepossible for me to enter through this door?Malaysians: (pointing the door) can ar?WHEN ENTERTAININGBritons: Please make yourself right at home.Malaysians: Don't be shy, lah!WHEN DOUBTING SOMEONEBritons: I don't recall you giving me the money.Malaysians: Where got?WHEN DECLINING AN OFFERBritons: I'd prefer not to do that, if you don'tmind.Malaysians: Doe-waaaan!IN DISAGREEING ON A TOPIC OFDISCUSSIONBritons: Err. Tom, I have to stop you there. Iunderstand where you'recoming from, but I really have to disagree withwhat you said about the issue.Malaysians: You mad, ah?WHEN ASKING SOMEONE TO LOWER THEIRVOICE.Britons: Excuse me, but could you please ! loweryour voice, I'm trying to concentrate over here.Malaysians: Shaddap lah!WHEN ASKING SOMEONE IF HE/SHE KNOWSYOU.Britons: Excuse me, but I noticed you staring atme for some time. Do I know you?Malaysians: See what, see what?WHEN ASSESSING A TIGHT SITUATION.Britons: We seem to be in a bit of a predicamentat the moment.Malaysians: Die-lah!!WHEN TRYING TO FIND OUT WHAT HADHAPPENEDBritons: Will someone tell me what has justhappened?Malaysians: Wat happen Why lidat????ADUI!!!(jumping to conclusion)WHEN SOME ONE DID SOMETHING WRONGBritons: This isn't the way to do it here letme show you.Malaysians:Hoi!!!u pig ar lidat also doe no howto do!!!!WHEN ONE IS ANGRYBritons: Would you mind not disturbing meMalaysians:Celaka u/LANCAUUUUUUUU/cibaila/pukimak/pu nya ma!!!
** get dis form friendster..=)
** get dis form friendster..=)
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