Wednesday, May 21, 2008

phone conversation with director's wife

S is me sam, DW is director's wife


S : Hello, iDo Unique Jewellery. (my office)
DW: Hello, Samanth isit?
S : Yes, anythings, Mrs Lee (DW)
DW : Sam, aunty there??? (aunty is our managing director)
S : no, she just went to factory....
DW: ooo...
(Director start his conversation with his wife (DW) beside the phone while the phone not yet hang up)
D :you just tell samantha la.....
DW:arhhhh, how to tell?????
D : just let sam know la.......
(i start scare wat they wan to let me know??? but sound like not dare)
DW: erm.... erm..... how to tell????
DW:Sam, ur boss said(mean the director say)about the pc.....
DW: arghhhhh, how to tell? wei....
D: just tell la... aiyo...
(so scary)
DW: Sam, ur boss said the pc, erm.... ar....... erm.... upgrade later,tell aunty, as we r designer, we must have a very gd quality's software.....
S: ok.... sure, no problem...i will pass this msg to aunty... no worry...anythings else?
DW: no... em, ok la... u eat d?
S: not yet, but soon.....
(when i wan to say bye),
D: you tell sam that i sick, i flu for 2 weeks d, not comfortable....
DW: your boss said he sick, flu for 2 weeks d, not comfortable....
S: huh??? ok, then?
D: you tell sam that i feel gotto fever too...
DW: your boss said, he feel gotto fever too....
S: oooo, ok..... then, wat should i do? treat he eat lunch???
DW: ooo... no la.... ok la, then...
S: ok then, bye...
Dw: Bye...

wat do you feel in this conversation....

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